Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Setting up an NDB Cluster in the Oracle Cloud using Auto Installer

In MySQL Cluster 8.0.18 we have developed MySQL Cluster Auto Installer to
also support installing NDB :)

We have made it very easy to setup an NDB Cluster in the Oracle Cloud.
The Auto Installer will take care of installing the proper software, installing
firewalls, installing some supportive software. Most of the testing of this
software have been done against Oracle Cloud using instances with Oracle
Linux 7.

I prepared two Youtube videos to show how it works. The first one gives some
insights into setting up the Compute Instances required in the Oracle Cloud.

Setup compute instances in Oracle Cloud for MySQL Cluster AutoInstaller

The second video uses these compute instances to set up an NDB Cluster.

Setting up an NDB Cluster in the Oracle Cloud using Auto Installer

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