Tuesday, October 25, 2011

MySQL Thread Pool: Optimal configuration

The thread pool plugin has a number of configuration parameters that will affect
its performance. These are documented in the MySQL manual here.

To configure the thread pool for optimal operation the most important parameter is
the --thread_pool_size. This parameter specifies the number of thread groups that
the thread pool will create.

The default value of thread_pool_size=16 is very often a good starting point. We have
seen that for InnoDB Read Workloads it is sometimes possible to achieve even better
results when it is set to around 30-40. For write intensive InnoDB workloads the
optimum can be in the range 12-30. MyISAM workloads usually have an optimum a bit
lower in the range of 6-8. The default value of 16 will work well also for most
MyISAM workloads.

The next parameter to consider for optimum operation is --thread_pool_stall_limit.
This is set to 6 (=60ms) by default. This number is set very low for good operation
in most cases. In most cases with workloads that don't have very many long queries
it is ok to set this much higher. Setting it to 100 (=1 second) should be ok in most

In the information schema one can see how many queries are stalled, if there are too
many queries stalled, then it is a good idea to increase this parameter since stalled
queries lead to increased context switching activity and more threads to manage for the
operating system.

The next parameter --thread_pool_prio_kickup_timer is set rather high to 1000
(=1 second). This setting should be ok for most cases, in extremely loaded environments
where thousands of connections want to execute at the same time it's necessary to
increase this variable to ensure that queries aren't moved too early. At the same time
setting it too high means that long-running transactions can block out short transactions
too much. But settings up to 10000 (=10 seconds) should in most cases be ok.

There is a parameter which isn't supported --thread_pool_algorithm. This parameter
makes it possible to use a bit more aggressive scheduling algorithm in the thread pool.
In most cases this has no benefits other than in some cases achieving better results.
It has been left accessible if someone wants to experiment with it and give us feedback
about it.

The last parameter is --thread_pool_max_unused_threads. This parameter specifies the
maximum amount of unused threads we will keep per thread group. It's possible to have
quite a few unused threads and to ensure that we give back memory to the operating
system one can use this parameter. By default it's 0 which means that threads are never
released and kept around for future use. Setting to a nonzero value means that the server
will use less memory but can also attribute to a higher CPU overhead to create new
threads again later on.

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